Howard Dean on Northam Controversy: Republicans ‘Have No Morals at All’

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) said Republicans “have no morals at all.”

Discussing the controversy over Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) yearbook page, Dean said, “I don’t know Ralph Northam. I believe he’s a decent person, but I think he has to resign. He just can’t be effective as a governor after something like this.”

He continued, “The ground is shifting underneath people’s feet. People are not going to put up with this stuff anymore. Maybe they would have put up with it in the past, but they’re not going to put up with it now.”

CNN host Brian Stelter asked, “Do you see a double standard at play?” referencing, “President Trump’s own racist history.”

Dean said, “Oh sure, there is among the Republicans. They have no morals at all. I mean, Republicans are happy to ask Ralph Northam to resign. They have a much worse guy who is heading their party. It’s ridiculous.”

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