Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was not “bright enough” for the position, and former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn is a “train wreck.”
Christie said, “Mike Flynn from the time I met him was a train wreck. I say that in the book very plainly. We had met a few times then we went to an intelligence briefing, as the two staffers to the then-candidate Trump. And he was outrageous in that briefing, interrupting, demeaning. Just showing off in a way that was just immature and ill-tempered. And he left separately after that meeting, and I spoke to Donald for a while about this, and I just said, ‘This is not a guy who you can give a senior position to. I know he’s supported you. I know you like him, but he’s just not temperamentally fit to do this.’ And this was one of about a half a dozen conversations I had with the president, you know, between June or July of 2016 and election day about Mike Flynn including, up to and including the day after election day when I saw the president for the last time before I was fired as transition chairman where I said to him, ‘This is a big mistake, if you do this with Flynn.’ He told me he was doing it. He said, ‘you just don’t like him.’ I said, ‘you’re right, I don’t like him. You want to know why?’ He said ‘yes.’ I said, ‘because he’s going to get you in trouble.'”
He continued, “In my experience, bad people and stupid people lie all the time for no reason at all because it’s just who they are. And if you look at this list of people —”
Host Nicolle Wallace asked, “Jeff Sessions is bad and stupid?”
Christie answered, “Well, I don’t think Jeff was bright enough to be in the position where he is.”
Wallace shot back, “So just stupid but not bad?”
Christie said, “No, I don’t think he’s a bad person. I like Jeff on a personal level. I really do.”
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