Terry McAuliffe: ‘Compulsive Liar’ Trump Is an ‘Emotional, Moody Mess’

Thursday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) called President Donald Trump “an emotional, moody mess.”

McAuliffe said, “He is a compulsive liar, throwing temper tantrums every day. He has emotional mood swings constantly. That’s why we’re in the mess with the shutdown that we are in today. I think with that going on with the White House.”

He continued, “He says we have a crisis on the border? We have a crisis in the White House, and it’s named Donald Trump.”

He added, “He crisis we’re facing today is in the White House. This shutdown affects probably 170,000 Virginians. Then the ripple effect. The soybean farmer today in Virginia, he can’t get money, can’t put the seed out. This is a serious crisis. The man is throwing a temper tantrum, an emotional, moody mess. ”

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