On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated President Trump has “walled himself in with 45 percent of the electorate.”

Brooks said, “First, Donald Trump seems to have walled them in — walled himself in with 45 percent of the electorate. And so, he’s built some pretty strong barriers. It’s hard to see people leaving and coming in. Second, it should be said that, for all there was a blue wave or a huge surge in turnout for the Democrats, there was also a huge surge in turnout for the Republicans. … Now, can this party get outside that 45 percent? I don’t think so. I think Trump has really walled themselves in, and the party is a Trump party.”

He added, “I still think, if you look around the world, what’s the issue that’s dominant in country after country? It’s national identity. Who are we as a nation? And that’s a fundamental issue. Trump has one answer. I think the Democrats are still going to have to come up with a different answer, which emphasizes diversity.”

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