Watch Live–Witches Cast Hex on Brett Kavanaugh

A group of 60 people are gathering at Catland Books in Brooklyn, New York, at 7:00 p.m. Saturday to watch a group of witches cast a hex on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

More than 60 people gathered outside Catland Books in Brooklyn, New York, at 7:00 p.m. Saturday to watch a group of witches cast a hex on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The crowd of bystanders,which included protesters wearing Antifa garb and born-again Christians counterprotesting the event, stood outside the bookstore as several witches performed the hexing ritual on the recently-confirmed Supreme Court Justice inside.

The Christian protesters, holding signs such as “Jesus Is God Alone,” told Breitbart News’s Aaron Klein they were holding vigil outside the bookstore “to spread the love of Jesus.”

“I’m not about cursing, I’m about blessing, so that’s why I’m here,” the Christian counterprotester noted.

The Antifa protesters, however, were a little less forthcoming about their plans to be at the protest.

When Breitbart News’s Aaron Klein asked one masked Antifa protester why she decided to attend the event, she responded with silence.


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