Thursday on “CBS This Morning,” Watergate journalist and author Bob Woodward said he would release the tapes of interviews he did for his book “Fear: Trump in the White House,” if “somebody comes out and denies something specifically.”
Partial transcript as follows:
KING: You are getting denials, Bob.
KING: But you also have tapes. Would you ever release any of those tapes
WOODWARD: If somebody comes out and denies something specifically.
KING: Well, Gary Cohn says it doesn’t portray my experience at the White House.
WOODWARD: That’s what’s called a non-denial denial.
O’DONNELL: Like he doesn’t —
WOODWARD: Is he going to say that that document that’s reproduced in the book —
KING: Would you release tapes?
WOODWARD: Well, if somebody really wants to challenge me, of course, of course. But again, I’ve made agreements with people that these sources are going to remain confidential.
(h/t Grabien)
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