Wednesday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele said Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was signaling the Republican Party is in danger of losing its Senate majority in the midterm elections with his “knife fight” statement.

Host Chuck Todd asked, “If it’s knife fights and it’s September, isn’t this a part of the wave?”

Steele said, “It is a part of the wave and a number of us have been talking about this for close to eight or nine months now. That the Senate could potentially be in play for a lot of reasons. You know, when everybody was counting out West Virginia and places like that ‘oh, Democrats are going to lose those seats,’ No they’re not. And I think what’s caught up now is that reality, the internal numbers are showing these races that should not be close are close and the races that we should pick up we’re not. I think that’s what McConnell is basically, I love Mitch, what he does is, he’s like, ‘let me let you all know what I know so you can all go prepare to do what you can do to change this.’ That’s what that signal was.”

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