WATCH: Activists Recite Marxist Pledge at Anti-Kavanaugh Event

Leftist activist Brittany Packnett appeared on a pro-abortion panel with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) Wednesday to oppose the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanuagh to the Supreme Court.

After Gillibrand left, Packnett urged attendees to their feet to take an oath directly derived from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. “It is our duty to fight for our freedom!” Packnett asked the crowd at the at the Washington, DC, leg of the “Rise Up for Roe Tour,” to repeat after her, claiming this oath was one she had led “every night in Ferguson.”

“It is our duty to win!” she continued. “We must love and support one another!”

She then stopped the chant to emphasize the last line of the pledge. “This is the most important part,” she said. “We have nothing to lose but our chains.”(Emphasis added.)

The phrase derives from Marx’s 1848 Manifesto, which famously concludes, “Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite!” (Emphasis added)

The exhortation has generally been paraphrased to the more pithy battlecry that has united generations of communists around the world, “Workers of the World, Unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains!”

The language Packnett choose here has been modernized — and perhaps tailored for the overwhelmingly upper middle class attendees at Rise up for Roe — to “We must love and support one another. We have nothing to lose but our chains!” But the origin of the cry is unmistakable.

Sen. Gillibrand was not on stage when Packnett began her communist-inspired pledge. She had left approximately 20 minutes earlier after appearing with Packnett on the panel, organised by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the “Demand Justice Initiative,” a group the Daily Caller News Foundation exposed earlier this year as a newly-minted George Soros front.

Packnett is best known for her role in organizing 2014’s “protests” in Ferguson, Missouri, after her fellow activists falsely accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of callously murdering 18-year-old “gentle giant” Micheal Brown, who “had his hands up.” Despite the fact a grand jury investigation later conclusively showed Brown had attacked Wilson after resisting arrest for a robbery, the demonstrations quickly devolved into weeks of violent riots from which the St. Louis suburb is yet to recover.

The Rise Up for Row panel, primarily concerned with opposing Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, was led by Lauren Duca, the Teen Vogue editor most famous for her fiery 2016 Tucker Carlson interview after she called for Ivanka Trump and her family to be harassed because of her “complicity” in her father’s “anti-woman” campaign. Other participants — billed as “badass women” — included CNN commentator and Bernie Sanders campaign manager Symone Sanders, Democratic strategist Jess McIntosh, and open borders activist Jess Morales Rocketto.


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