On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf,” Representative Mike Quigley (D-IL) stated that the president’s reaction to Russia’s attack on America’s democratic processes is a greater threat to US democracy than the attack itself and “what’s happening here is far more insidious.

Quigley said, “I thought that the Russian attack on our democratic process was the most important thing that happened in our lifetime, the greatest threat to our democracy. I now believe the greatest threat to our rule of law, our democracy, how our intel community works to protect us, is not from that attack, but from the president’s reaction to that attack.”

He added, “The Russians came at us, Director Comey said they’ll be back. … What’s here — what’s happening here is far more insidious. It’s an attack on how the intelligence community collects its information. If they can’t assure our sources and our methods will be secured, we will be less safe as a country. If the independence of the Justice Department is threatened for all time, if this establishes a pattern of behavior where the Justice Department doesn’t have that independence, the rule of law is greatly threatened. At this point, in time, I see that as a greater threat.”

(h/t NTK Network)

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