Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra responded to President Donald Trump calling Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) a “low IQ individual” at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

Becerra said, “I think Donald Trump probably said that from about 2,000 miles away from Maxine Waters because he’s probably too afraid to say it to her face. Maxine Waters has been one of the greatest champions consumers have ever had, that families have ever had. I suspect that Donald Trump would be afraid to come up to her and actually say something like that to her because Maxine Waters won’t stand for that.”

He added, “It’s unfortunate he uses that kind of language about someone who’s been a public servant for so many years, someone who’s fought very hard. Just because he disagrees with her doesn’t mean he has to use derogatory language. Maxine can take care of herself. I would urge Donald Trump to be careful if he ever finds himself in a dark ally with Maxine Waters.”

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