During a town hall on CNN on Wednesday, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) stated he is “reconsidering” his position on magazine size restrictions and argued that such restrictions “may save lives in an attack.”
Rubio answered a question regarding his position on restricting magazines that hold 15-30+ rounds by saying, “I traditionally have not supported looking at magazine clip size, and after this, and some of the details I’ve learned about it, I’m reconsidering that position.”
He continued that while a magazine size restriction might not prevent an attack, “it may save lives in an attack. And I’ll let it — I’ll let the authorities discuss, at the appropriate time, why I say that. But suffice it to say that I believe that there will be evidence that, at a key moment in this incident, three or four people might be alive today because of something that this deranged killer did, had to do. And obviously, it’s not for me to make law enforcement announcements. I don’t know what the right number is. I don’t know what — I know that there are, for example, handguns that have 17. And so, we’ll have to get into that debate, but that is something that I believe that we can reach a compromise [on] in this country, and that I’m willing to reconsider. Because I do believe that in this instance, it didn’t — it wouldn’t have prevented the attack, but it made it less lethal.”
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