Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) doubled down on her Senate floor speech in which she said calling President Donald Trump “a five-deferment draft dodger” by saying he does not have the right “to question other people’s support for our military.”
Partial transcript as follows:
CORDES: And now you’re standing on the floor of the Senate.
CORDES: And taking on the president on military issues.
(BEGIN VIDEO) DUCKWORTH: (I have a message for Cadet Bone Spurs: If you cared about our military, you’d stop baiting Kim Jong-un into a war that could put 85,000 American troops — and millions of innocent civilians — in danger.)
CORDES: You called him a “five deferment draft dodger.”
DUCKWORTH: Four for school and one for medical reasons that he can’t even remember what foot the bone spur was in. I can still feel the hangnail in my right foot, and it’s missing! And– and you know, we have a guy that says he had a bone spur that kept him out of Vietnam and he can’t remember where it was.
CORDES: Do you think that disqualifies him from being commander-in-chief or making decisions about the military?
DUCKWORTH: No, I think he was elected rightfully to be president of the United States. But I don’t think that he has the right to question other people’s support for our military, especially those of us who have served.
(h/t The Hill)
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