On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff stated that there’s something in “Fire and Fury” about a woman Trump is having sex with where he “didn’t have the blue dress” and that people will have to read between the lines to figure out.
Host Bill Maher asked Wolff, “I want you to tell me something that the other people have not noticed in this book. Is there something that you think, ‘Boy, why don’t they ask me about this that I put in there that they’re not talking about?'”
Wolff answered, “There is, but I can’t tell you what it is.”
Wolff added, “There is something in the book that I was absolutely sure of, but it was so incendiary that I just didn’t have the ultimate proof.”
Maher then asked, “Considering what he’s done, what — is it a woman thing?”
Wolff responded, “Well, I — yeah. I didn’t have the blue dress.”
Maher then asked, “No, is it about a woman?” Wolff answered that it is.
When Maher asked if it was someone Trump was having sex with, Wolff answered, “It is.” Wolff further told Maher he would “just have to read between the lines.”
Wolff further stated, “It’s towards the end of the book. … You’ll know it. Now, that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph, you’re going to say, ‘Bingo!'”
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