Levin: Roy Moore Was GOP Nominee Due to ‘Not-So-Clever Shenanigans’ of ‘Not-So-Smart’ McConnell, Rove, and Law

Wednesday on his nationally syndicated radio program, conservative talker Mark Levin said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), former Bush adviser Karl Rove and Senate Leadership Fund head Steve Law were in part to blame for Roy Moore’s defeat in Alabama on Tuesday.

Levin argued Moore’s upset loss to Democrat Doug Jones had nothing to do with President Donald Trump, saying if the presidential election were today, Trump would still win the state of Alabama by a landslide.

“Enough of this nonsense that Donald Trump lost Alabama and so forth and so on. It had nothing to do with Donald Trump – nothing, zero,” Levin explained. “But it had a lot to do with Mitch McConnell, the media, the Republican establishment, their media surrogates, their surrogates who write op-eds and columns, their editorial page surrogates.”

Levin explained how McConnell and his allies worked to get Luther Strange elected to the U.S. Senate, which began by targeting one of Strange’s primary opponents, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL).

“Mitch McConnell decided he was going to reach into the race in Alabama and try and control the outcome,” he said. “He wanted Luther Strange to win. Why did he want Luther Strange to win? Because he was a great conservative? No. Because he is a great man of incredible ethics? No. Because Luther Strange was the only one of the three, who said he would vote for Mitch McConnell to be majority leader. Mo Brooks, the conservative, said no, I won’t support him, as did Roy Moore. Then McConnell and [Karl] Rove, and a guy named Steve Law and others – they calculated that their biggest problem should there be a runoff, should there be a runoff – no candidate getting 50 percent in the Republican primary – their biggest problem would be Mo Brooks. How do I know it? They told Politico that.”

Levin cited a July Politico story that laid out how McConnell sought to advance Strange’s candidacy, a plan that ultimately failed after Moore defeated Strange in the GOP runoff last September.

“The problem is, ladies and gentlemen, Mitch McConnell was wrong,” Levin said. “He miscalculated. They took out Mo Brooks, but they didn’t defeat Roy Moore in the runoff, now did they? Roy Moore was the nominee in part as result of the not-so-clever shenanigans and efforts by the not-so-smart McConnell, Rove and Law who do this a lot from their offices in Washington, DC.”

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