On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued Senator Al Franken’s (D-MN) “callous” behavior, if it is a one-time incident where Franken shows “real penance,” shouldn’t end his career while Alabama Senate Republican nominee Judge Roy Moore’s behavior is the most vile kind of behavior and should end his career.
Brooks began by lamenting the partisan nature of reactions to sexual misconduct allegations. He added, “I think it’s important to make some distinctions among the different levels of sin here. It seems to me what Harvey Weinstein did, and what Roy Moore did has the highest level of vileness, and should be career-enders. Then there are other levels of sin which probably should be career-enders, setting a predatory environment, whether it’s Bill Clinton, or the guy — some of the journalists who have been involved. And then I would put Al Franken, so far, in a different category, frankly. What he did was callous and narcissistic and insensitive and just pathetic. But if it’s one time, and if he can apologize, and then do real penance, my first instinct is that it should not be a career-ender for him.”
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