Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” former Bush campaign strategist Matthew Dowd declared President Donald Trump was the “Halloween” president who brings horror to many people.”
Dowd said, “Tales of the cryptic comments — I was thinking about this as I was watching him and obviously this has been going on off and on since January 20th. This is the Halloween presidency.And I say that he says all things that bring horror to many people that he says these things and people are scared out of their minds, and everybody else is asking to trick-or-treat?”
“What is about to happen?” he continued. “This is a presidency that is all visceral. That’s all visceral action. I don’t think there’s any strategic part of the presidency let alone in North Korea, Iran, whatever it happens to be. I don’t think he has a fundamental strategy. The only strategy is to leave them wanting. Leave them wanting.”
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