Dem Rep Tim Ryan: Democrats ‘Can’t Just Be the Party of Redistribution of Wealth’

On Thursday’s broadcast of  MSNBC “Morning Joe,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) warned that the Democratic Party could not just be “the party of redistribution of wealth.”

Ryan said, “We have got to really come strong with saying look, we’re the party to be able to handle the economy in the 21st century. We have the convergence of so many different elements happening right now—globalization, automation, artificial intelligence, all of these different other opportunities within the economy. And right now I don’t think either political party has quite gotten their hands around it. What I want the Democratic Party to be is to be a party that can set an agenda to try to deal with those issues that will drive up wages, helps people to be able to afford college and health care and all the rest.”

He added, “I don’t think we can be hostile to business. I think while we can be for a progressive tax code and increase in dividends and corporate — other kind of business taxes. I think we need to simplify the tax code. I think we need to lower the corporate tax rate. We can’t just be the party of redistribution of wealth. We have to be the party of the creation of wealth, and not just in Silicon Valley and  Wall Street, in Youngstown and the South, we have to create new wealth in this economy. I really want the Democrats to be the party that’s going to get their arms around this big issue.”

(h/t WFB)

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