Krauthammer: ‘You Can’t Do Repeal Alone’ on Obamacare – It ‘Will Be Utterly Intolerable’

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer stated that a bill that only repeals Obamacare won’t get a majority and that figuring out a replacement is the only route.

Krauthammer said, “Look, in theory, the repeal first idea is good, but there is a reason why it was abandoned. It’s not going to pass. You can’t have a clean, bold, and naked repeal because it means that there are millions of Americans who are going to be out of healthcare insurance, out of coverage almost overnight, and that will be utterly intolerable. It will not get a majority. The reason why [Senator Ben] Sasse (R-NE) wants to advocate it because he knows it’s so intolerable it will then force the Senate into doing a repair — a replacement, quickly. But that may not work. I think that’s going to be seen as a bluff. The only way to go, I think, right now, is the [Senate Majority Leader Senator Mitch] McConnell (R-KY) way, where you try to piece together a replacement, and if you can do it, you do it. If you can’t, you can’t do repeal alone.”

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