Joan Walsh: Paul Ryan a ‘Heartless, Soulless Washington Creature,’ Devoted His Life to ‘Hurting People’


Sunday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” while discussing Democratic opponent Randy Bryce challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) for his seat, MSNBC political analyst Joan Walsh said Ryan is a “heartless, soulless Washington creature.”

Walsh said, “He needs to be nationally known. This race should be nationalized. I think his first ad was amazing, sounds exactly the right notes for that district for virtually any place actually. If I were him, I would tie this health bill, whatever health bill, whatever happens to it, hopefully, it gets defeated, I would tie it to Paul Ryan.”

“I would bring up the fact that he joked, supposedly joked, that he was dreaming of slashing Medicaid over keggers in college,” she added. “I would just bring out what a heartless, soulless Washington creature he has become. I don’t think the district knows. You made good points that it is nice to have somebody in leadership, but if you have somebody in leadership who has devoted their life to hurting people in their district let’s think twice about that.”

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