Larry Sabato: Georgia Election Results ‘Pretty Depressing’ for Democrats, Anti-Trump Euphoria ‘Gone’

On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” Director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics Larry Sabato stated the results of Georgia’s special election are saddening for Democrats, and they should learn the lesson that re-taking the House and defeating President Trump will be long and difficult.

Sabato began by cautioning that the midterm elections are a year-and-a-half away, and a lot of things can happen and change the political dynamic.

He then stated, “[F]or Democrats, obviously, it’s pretty depressing. … I think, if Democrats learn a lesson from this election, it’s that the euphoria that they’ve felt for the last several months as Donald Trump has fallen in the polls and they began to believe that this would be — not easy, but doable to take over the House of Representatives and eventually replace Donald Trump, that euphoria is gone, and it’s replaced with reality. And the reality is, it’s going to be a long, twilight struggle, day in and day out, if they’re going to be able to re-take the House and eventually defeat Donald Trump. It won’t be easy. It may not be possible.”

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