Saturday, the Democratic Coalition Against Trump’s Scott Dworkin said in an appearance on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that President Donald Trump senior advisor Jared Kushner was “lucky that he’s not in jail at the moment.”

“I think Kushner is lucky he’s not in jail at the moment,” Dworkin stated.

He later argued, “If I were a staffer and I was in his position, I would resign, not only for the distraction that he’s causing, but also for the fact he shouldn’t be there at all. He lied on his forms, on his background check. For me, if I had done that when I was working for Obama, I would have been fired, I would have been locked up and there would have been no doubt about it. Nobody would have asked any questions about it further. He’s guilty of a crime and he definitely should not be in the White House at the moment.”

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