On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer contrasted the reactions to the shooting at a Congressional baseball practice and the Tucson shooting in 2011 and argued, “people ought to be very much more responsible with Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
Krauthammer contrasted Wednesday’s shooting with the shooting of then-Representative Gabby Giffords (D-AZ), where “Within minutes, within hours, there was a meme that showed in the major newspapers and elsewhere that this was a result of the climate of hate, of violence perpetrated by Sarah Palin and other extreme Republicans. … The guy who did this…was clearly psychotic from the first moment.”
Krauthammer further argued that the shooter of the Congressional baseball practice was “likely…a combination of somebody who is unhinged, falling apart, but clearly driven by a political purpose, and one that I would say, to echo the words that were used in the Gifford[s] case, a climate of anti-Trump almost hysteria that has become the norm. I think this will help to pull people back and to realize that the kind of language, the — to celebrate, for example, the Julius Caesar in central park in which the Julius Caesar is clearly Donald Trump as some kind of great cultural achievement, I think it’s really appalling. And this is part of all that. Now, I’m not accusing anybody of doing anything but if you’re going to have a standard on this, let’s not have a double standard on this”
He concluded by saying there was a “big difference” between the perpetrators of the baseball practice shooting and the Giffords shooting, “and that’s why people ought to be very much more responsible with Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
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