Managing Director of Zogby Research Services and Founder and President of the Arab American Institute Dr. James Zogby stated Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is “playing” President Trump, and Netanyahu is “the great maneuverer, and Trump’s going to get screwed. And, frankly, the people who will suffer from this are the Palestinians, who are…going to continue to be suffering under occupation.”

Zogby said, “Bibi’s playing him [Trump] to buy time. Because Bibi wants him to have four years that go and nothing happens and he continues to build settlements, continues to expand Israeli in the territory, and nothing happens. And so, he’s playing him like Trump is playing him. And frankly, at the end of the day, I think that Bibi is the player of the year. He’s the great maneuverer, and Trump’s going to get screwed. And, frankly, the people who will suffer from this are the Palestinians, who are going to have expectations set, expectations collapse, and they’re going to continue to be suffering under occupation.”

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