In an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that aired on “Mornings with Maria” on Wednesday, President Donald Trump dismissed the possibility of U.S. forces going into Syria.
Trump made that pledge but defended his decision to strike a Syrian airbase and said Obama administration should have acted on Syria long before he did.
“We’re not going into Syria, you know because there was some questions,” Trump said. “[U.N. ambassador] Nikki Haley is doing a fine job. Rex [Tillerson] is doing a fantastic job as secretary of state. General McMasters, fantastic. But if you add it all up, every little word — they’ll say it is different. Here’s what you should understand: We’re not going into Syria. But when I see people using horrible, horrible chemical weapons, which they agreed not use under the Obama administration and they violated it. What I did should have been done by the Obama administration a long time before I did it.”
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