In a video on his Facebook page, the leader of The Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan said President-elect Donald Trump will “dismantle” America by causing a world war.
Farrakhan said, “Now that he is president they don’t known what to do with with him because the media as a force for elevation or degradation has now been degraded form the mouth of the man who won the most powerful position politically in the world. So yes, it’s a new day now, and they have to deal with that reality. Mr. Trump is God’s man to dismantle, to upset and to bring America. Though he wants to make her great again, if he dismantles the agreement won by President Barack Obama with President Rouhani and the Iranian government and people, if he dismantles that and puts greater sanctions on Iran, then we’re leading to another war. Another war inspired by Israel, another war that will bring China into war, Russia into war, Europe into war, and the Western world in this war will be taken completely down. And a whole new world is on the horizon.”
(h/t WZ)
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