Dershowitz: If Ellison is Appointed DNC Chair, I Will Resign My Democratic Party Membership

Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings With Maria Bartiromo,” while discussing  Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who is under fire for his praise of the controversial Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in light of his bid to become the Democratic National Committee chair, author and emeritus law professor at Harvard University Alan Dershowitz said if Ellison is elected, he would resign from the Democratic Party.

Dershowitz said, “If they now appoint Keith Ellison, who worked with Farrakhan, to be chairman of the DNC, you’re going to see a lot of people leave. I’m going to tell you right here on this show, and this is news, if they appoint Keith Ellison to be chairman of the Democratic party, I will resign my membership to the Democratic party after 50 years of being a loyal Democrat. I will still vote my conscience and mostly I will vote for Democrats, but I will not be a member of a party that represents itself through a chairman like Keith Ellison, and through policies, like that espoused by John Kerry and Barack Obama.”

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