Tim Ryan: Working Class Voters ‘Left Us In Droves,’ Unless We Connect With Them, We’ll Be Minority For A ‘Long Time’


On Tuesday’s broadcast of “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH), who is challenging House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), stated that working class voters “left us in droves in the last election, last Tuesday, and we better re-connect with them, or we’re going to be a coastal party.”

Ryan said, “We need to put in a new coach. If coaches keep losing, at some point, you have to change coaches and put someone else in.” After stating that the median household income in his district is $57,000 a year, Ryan added that those voters “left us in droves in the last election, last Tuesday, and we better re-connect with them, or we’re going to be a coastal party. We are not a national party now.”

Ryan later added that unless the Democrats connect with working class voters the way Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have, they will be “a minority party for a long, long time.”

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