On Thursday’s “Alan Colmes Show” on Fox News Radio, Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) weighed in on Republican vows to investigate his running mate if she is eleced by stating, “I thought legislators were supposed to legislate. I mean investigations are part of it, but the real issue is legislation.”
Kaine said, [relevant remarks begin around 5:00] “When people are throwing the impeachment word around before the election has even taken place. I mean, first it kind of suggests a little bit of defeatism, like, well, we think we’re probably going to lose. Second, it also suggests a really bad view of what the role of a legislator is. Same about this investigation stuff. I thought legislators were supposed to legislate. I mean, investigations are part of it, but the real issue is legislation. So I hope folks — voters will hold them accountable. Yeah, don’t tell us just what you’re going to block, tell us what it is that you want to do.”
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