Mook: Hillary ‘Absolutely’ Has People Around Her Willing to Be ‘Brutally Honest’

Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” host Jake Tapper asked Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook whether Hillary Clinton has people around who can be brutally honest and frank.

Partial transcript as follows:

TAPPER: Does Secretary Clinton have anyone in her orbit who can be brutally honest and frank with her? I ask that because it seems, based on a lot of the information we’ve gotten about her emails, and the like, that she might not have people like that. And for debate prep it would be very important for somebody to really be able to go after her, to prepare her for a debate, and I don’t know she has anybody like that in her orbit.

MOOK: She absolutely does, Jake. Anybody who has worked for Secretary Clinton, first of all, knows that she surrounds herself with experts on every matter she looks to. She just did a call earlier this week after the events in New York with her national security team. But she also likes a spirited debate and a spirited discussion, and the people she brings closest to her are the ones that challenge her thinking and push her. This preperation process has been very rigorous.

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