Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” when asked about the voters issues with the lack of transparency of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton her running mate Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) did not use the words trust or transparency in his  answer instead he said Clinton has a, “ long track record of service in public life.”

Partial transcript as follows:

DICKERSON: Governor, in terms of the pitch you have to make to voters, I mean, I come up with it again and again in talking to voters. They keep coming back to this trust issue. You mentioned it with respect to the debate. This is a key liability of Hillary Clinton’s. What can you tell — not about a choice, but in terms of somebody who wants to be president, what can you tell voters, other than trust us, that Hillary Clinton is going to do to increase transparency and openness were she to become president?

KAINE: Yes.  Well, here’s what I say. Hillary has a long track record of service in public life. And you can look at that. I tell the story about her being first lady of the United States, when the effort to get Hillary Clinton done failed, and that was a tough, tough, bitter loss, but then it tested her as a leader. And she worked together with Democrats and Republicans to get health insurance for eight million low-income American children in the CHIP program. The measure of character in somebody in public life, I think, is whether they have a passion for somebody other than themselves and whether they keep after that passion whether they are winning or losing. Hillary has demonstrated that again and again.  And I think that’s a sharp contrast to a Donald Trump, whose only recognized passion in his life has been for himself. No great president in this country has been primarily a me-first person. The great presidents are people who watch out for others, and that’s who Hillary Clinton has been, that’s who she is, and that’s who she will be.

DICKERSON: All right, Senator Kaine, we are going to have to leave it there. Thanks so much for being with us.

KAINE: Absolutely. Good to be back.

(h/t WFB)

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