Max Brooks: Clinton’s Poll Numbers ‘Not Her Fault,’ It’s Because Media ‘Has Forgotten What Their Constitutional Duty Is’

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” author and fellow at the Atlantic Council and the Modern War Institute at West Point Max Brooks stated that Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are “not her fault. That’s because the media has forgotten what their constitutional duty is.”

After Clinton’s struggles in the polls in Florida came up, Brooks said, “Yeah, but that’s not her fault. That’s because the media has forgotten what their constitutional duty is.”

He continued, “Well, the reason we have a free press, the whole reason it’s in the Constitution is to inform us, the electorate about what we’re voting on, and they’ve forgotten that. They think this is a circus. They think this is ‘dancing with the stars.’ And so, they have given Trump probably a trillion dollars’ worth of free press over the course of this campaign.”

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