During his speech Wednesday in Phoenix, AZ, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump granted time and attention during his highly anticipated immigration speech to a highly regarded group of Americans know as the “Angel Moms,” who are among the many whose sons, daughters, spouses, cousins and loved ones have been killed by foreign illegal immigrants in the United States.

Trump warned during his speech, “What we do know, despite the lack of media curiosity, is that Hillary Clinton promises a radical amnesty combined with a radical reduction in immigration enforcement, just ask the Border Patrol about Hillary Clinton, you won’t like what you’re hearing. The result will be millions more illegal immigrants, thousands of more violent, horrible crimes and total chaos and lawlessness. That’s what gonna happen as sure as you’re standing there.”

The “Angel Mom” parents began filing onto the stage as Trump moved to greet them, hugging a few.

“I’ve become friends with so many, but, Jamiel Shaw, incredible guy, lost his son so violently … say just a few words about your child,” Trump said to the first mom to the microphone.

Legal immigrant and mother Agnes Gibboney said:

My son Ronald da Silva, was murdered April 27, 2002 by an illegal alien who had been previously deported and what’s so, makes me so outrageous, is that we came here legally. Thank you Mr. Trump, I totally support you, you have my vote. God bless you.

Laura Wilkerson, a mother, approached next, said her name and:

My son was Joshua Wilkerson. He was murdered by an illegal in 2010 and I personally support Mr. Trump for our next President.

Ruth Johnston Martin said of her husband:

My husband was shot by an illegal alien. He fought the good fight, but he took his last breath in 2002 and I support this man, who’s gonna change this country for the better. God bless you.

Mom Maureen Maloney told the crowd:

Our son Matthew Denice was 23 years old when he was dragged a quarter of a mile to his death by an illegal alien while horrified witnesses were banging on the truck trying to stop him.

Michael Maloney, a father, spoke next:

Our son Matthew Denice, if Donald Trump were President in 2011, our son Matthew Denise and other Americans would be alive today.

Kathy Woods, a mother, said of her son’s death:

My son Steve, a high school senior, 17 years old, went to the beach after a high school football game. Local gang came along, 9 members, the cars were battered to like a war in Beirut and all I can say is they murdered him and if Mr. Trump had been in office then, the border would have been secure and our children would not be dead today.

Brenda Sparks, a mother, spoke of her son:

My son is named Eric Zepeda. He was raised by a legal immigrant from Honduras, only to be murdered by an illegal in 2011. His murderer never did a second in handcuffs or jail. Got away with killing an American. So I’m voting for Trump and by the way, so is my mother.

Dee Engel said of her cousin who was killed:

My cousin Rebecca Ann Johnston, known as Becci, was murdered on January the first 1989 in north Little Rock, Arkansas. Thank you and if you don’t vote Trump, we won’t have a country. Trump all the way.

Shannon Estes, a mother, spoke next:

My daughter Shayley Estes, 22 years old was murdered here in Phoenix last July 24 [2015] by a Russian who overstayed his visa and vote Trump.

Mary Ann Mendoza, a mother, said:

I’m Mary Ann Mendoza, the mother of Sgt. Brandon Mendoza who was killed in a violent head-on collision May 12, 2014 in Mesa. Thank you. And I want to thank Phoenix for the support you’ve always given me and I want to tell you what, I’m supporting the man who will, is the only man who’s gonna save our country and what we are gonna be leaving our children.

Steve Ronnebeck, a father, addressed the crowd:

I’m Steve Ronnebeck, father of Grant Ronnebeck, 21 years old, killed January 22, 2015 by an illegal immigrant who shot him in the face. I truly believe that Mr. Trump is gonna change things, he’s gonna fight for my family and he’s gonna fight for America.

Trump returned to the podium saying:

These are amazing people and I am not asking for their endorsement, believe me that, I just think, I’ve just gotten to know so many of them and many more from our group, but they are incredible people and what they’re going through is incredible and there’s just no reason for it so let’s give them a really tremendous hand [of applause].

Trump then addressed each one as the family members of Americans killed at the hands of illegal aliens left the stage.

“So now is the time for these voices to be heard,” Trump said. “Now is the time for the media to begin asking questions on their behalf. Now, now is the time for all of us, as one country, Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative to band together to deliver justice and safety and security for all Americans. Let’s fix this horrible, horrible problem. It can be fixed quickly.”

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