Sheriff David Clarke: Riots Caused by ‘Failed Liberal Urban Policies in These Ghettos Like Milwaukee’

Monday on Fox Business Network, while commenting on the weekend of riots in Milwaukee sparked by the shooting death of an armed African-American man by a black police officer, Milwaukee Co., WI Sheriff David Clarke blamed “failed liberal urban policies” as a cause for those riots.

Clarke said, “Well, first of all, the social order in Milwaukee totally collapsed on Saturday night. When the social order collapses, tribal behavior takes over. When tribal behavior takes over, the law of the jungle replaces the rule of law and that’s why you end up with what you saw. Last night was a little better. Not good enough for me. I won’t be satisfied until these creeps crawl back into their holes so the good law abiding people who live in the Milwaukee ghettos can return to at least a calm quality of life.”

He added, “I haven’t seen the video, but I did talk to the mayor yesterday and he said he saw the video and it’s clear that the suspect that the officer confronted was armed with a firearm. I notice people are leaving that out when they say police shot a man. They shot an armed individual this time. So It doesn’t give the cop haters the high ground on this thing. That is not what causes riots anyway. What causes riots are failed liberal urban policies in these ghettos like Milwaukee. Milwaukee has inescapable poverty. We are like the sixth poorest city in America. They have failing public schools. The K-12 public school system here – there is only two school systems that are worse, Cleveland and Detroit. You have massive black unemployment, I think the black unemployment rate in Milwaukee is 32 percent. You have dysfunctional families. You have father absent homes. You have questionable lifestyle choices. Those are the ingredients for a riot. Then a police shooting comes along and just acts as an igniter to an already volatile situation. Now look, between Friday night and Saturday, four people were murdered in nine separate  shootings and these same creeps—you didn’t hear a peep from them, but all of a sudden a law enforcement officer fearing for his life reasonably is confronted by an armed individual and the people exploit these things. These cop haters want to come out and riot. This is just a situation, an opportunity for people to steal to loot and to rabblerouse.”

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