Wednesday night on MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” commenting on the current controversy over Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comments about the Second Amendment and his opponent Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, host Lawrence O’Donnell said, “For shots to be fired, all Donald Trump needs is one person who hears him, who believes him, who has access to guns, and who is as mentally unstable as Donald Trump is.”
O’Donnell said, “In Trump world, President Obama and Secretary Clinton are the founding father and founding mother of the Islamic State.”
He continued, “As that audience knows, the United States military has executed, by drone and otherwise, every founding member of ISIS they’ve been able to find. If Donald Trump’s audience is as mentally unstable as he is, and if millions of them are, as he would put it, Second Amendment people, then Donald Trump is telling millions of Americans with guns that Hillary Clinton is one of the worst deadly enemies of the United States that we’ve ever had. For shots to be fired, all Donald Trump needs is one person who hears him, who believes him, who has access to guns, and who is as mentally unstable as Donald Trump is. Just one, out of millions of Trump supporters.
He added, “Donald Trump and countless Republicans want Trump supporters in the rest of America to believe that Hillary Clinton already has blood on her hands because of the loss of four American lives in Benghazi, including Hillary Clinton’s friend, Ambassador Chris Stevens. Hillary Clinton is now a convicted criminal, convicted in the court of Trump, convicted by Trump at Trump rallies with Trump juries. The chant is not ‘indict her,’ the chant is ‘lock her up.’ The chant says, we don’t care that FBI agents and prosecutors have looked at Hillary Clinton’s State Department email arrangement and not been able to find a criminally prosecutable offense that they believe they could get a conviction on. The chant says, we don’t care about guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The chant does not say, charge her with a crime, put her on trial. The chant jumps past all that and says ‘lock her up.’ And every once in a while, there’s someone at a Trump rally who says ‘kill her.’”
(h/t RCP Video)
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