Sunday on MSNBC, the former president and CEO of the NAACP and ardent Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) 2016 presidential supporter, Benjamin Jealous, said DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ resignation over Wikileaks releasing 20,000 emails that were stolen from the Democratic National Committee’s servers and showed a bias toward presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was the turning point for him to “move on” and support Clinton.
Jealous said, “Absolutely, for me this is what I need to be able to endorse. This rips off the Band-Aid, it lets us move on, it lets our party begin to heal. And it’s what we have to do when we only have 100 days left to beat Trump.”
He continued, “Sure. I mean, as you said, this was dastardly. But Debbie’s departure, again, lets us move on.”
When asked if he was endorsing Hillary Clinton, Jealous said, “Now I’m happy to do it. Now that Debbie has departed, I’d be happy to do it.”
He added, “Debbie has stepped down, and we can begin to become one party.”
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