Tuesday on NewsmaxTV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” former Nixon and Reagan aide and conservative commentator Pat Buchanan said presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will be helped by protestors getting violent at his rally like last night in New Mexico because he believes it will have a similar effect to the 1968 riots outside the Democratic convention that helping give Republican challenger Richard Nixon his victory over Vice President Hubert Humphrey.
Buchanan said, “Well I think enough film of that and people see them waving Mexican flags and having to bleep out the words they are using, and American people can make up their minds if they see enough of it on television. And I don’t think the way the media play it as though this is just a peaceful demonstration and it got a little noisy. I don’t think it’s going to go over well. Secondly, I think these events are going to help Donald Trump. I mean I go back a long time ago and what happened in ’68 where it certainly helped Richard Nixon and damaged Humphrey badly.”
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