Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stated he would “like to back off” on his proposed Muslim ban “as soon as possible. Because, frankly, I would like to see something happen” and such a ban would “temporary, and ultimately, it’s my aim to have it lifted. Now, right now, there is no ban, but I would to see — there has to be an idea.” During an interview broadcast on Wednesday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.
Trump said [relevant remarks begin around 3:20] that he was “looking at” an immigration commission that, among other things, will “look at the Muslim ban, or temporary ban as we call it.”
He was then asked, “Have you decided whether you will back off on the ban. I realize…it was a temporary ban but with unlimited temporary period would — could go on forever the way it –.”
He answered, “No. It was never meant to be. I mean, that’s why it was temporary. Sure, I’d back off on it. I’d like to back off as soon as possible. Because, frankly, I would like to see something happen, but we have to be vigilant. there is a radical Islamic terrorism problem that our president doesn’t want to talk about.” He added that his immigration commission “could lead to something pretty good.” And that the ban is “temporary, and ultimately, it’s my aim to have it lifted. Now, right now, there is no ban, but I would to see — there has to be an idea. There has to be something.” He further stated he would “take a look” at the constitutional implications of such a ban.
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