HBO host Bill Maher stated that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump “for a second, said something sensible” about which public restrooms transgendered people should be able to use on Friday’s “Real Time.”
Maher said, “[GOP presidential candidate Texas Senator] Ted Cruz, he’s getting a little reckless, because, you know, he — listen to this, there’s this big controversy, I’m sure you’ve seen it, about the — where transgendered people can go to the bathroom in public. Okay, so this is what Ted Cruz is hanging his hopes on, because Trump, for a second, said something sensible about it, and Ted Cruz said, Donald Trump, ‘a reckless policy that will endanger our loved ones.’ How is this even an issue? Water in Flint has lead in it. Water in North Dakota is on fire. Water in California is nonexistent. Who cares what bathroom a transvestite is in when water comes out of their, whatever?”
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