Dean: Sanders Has To ‘Tone Down’ His ‘Bitter’ Rhetoric, It’s ‘Harming The Country’


Tuesday on MSNBC, former Democratic National Committee chairman and former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) said Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has “got to tone down his rhetoric” against front-unner Hillary Clinton because it helps the Republicans, which Dean said is “harming the country.”

Dean said, “If Hillary wins in a double-digit margin, it is time for Bernie to pull the parties together. The only beneficiary of this kind of a fight is the extreme right wing of the Republican party.”

He continued, “I don’t think he has to drop out. He will want to make a speech at the convention and so forth and so on. But I think he’s got to tone down his rhetoric. This is bitter. His supporters, many, I don’t think the majority, are — I am getting all this stuff on Twitter and Facebook, you know, it is not helpful to do this. It polarizes people. It weakens the left. It weakens progressives. It’s not good for the country. I don’t expect him to drop out. He earned the right to make a speech at the convention and to continue to compete. But I think he’s got to dial back his rhetoric because it is really harming the party and more importantly, it is harming the country.”

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