Painted Nativity Scene at Tennessee McDonald’s Goes Viral

A McDonald’s restaurant in Tennessee is showing its Christmas spirit with a painted nativity scene that has now gone viral.

On Monday, Amy Basel posted a photo of a McDonald’s located in Spring Hill, TN with a nativity scene in between the messages “His name is Jesus” and “Rejoice” painted on the windows of the storefront.

Basel’s post along with the photo read:

“Drove by and did a double-take. Growing up in the mitten, you would NEVER see this. Tennessee McDonald’s … you made my day. ‘His name is Jesus.’”

The store’s co-owner, Gina Wolfe, told WZTV reporters she and her husband own three other stores.

“It’s a family business which has been owned and operated by my family for 40 years,” Wolfe told WZTV. “My dad started this 40 years ago when he had a local art student paint it on his store. My husband and I have been owners for 28 years and we’ve done this or something similar during Christmas each year. I guess with social media, it’s taken off.”

According to Wolfe, the community has “embraced” their Christmas-themed storefronts ever since the tradition started.

(h/t My Fox 8)

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