Dem Rep Carson: Terrorists Infiltrating Refugee Program ‘Doesn’t Concern Me,’ ‘Toxic’ Rhetoric Does


Representative André Carson (D-IN) stated that terrorists infiltrating the refugee program “doesn’t concern me. What concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people seeking to become president of the United States” that is “putting people, i.e. Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others into the line of fire” on Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”

When asked about terrorist groups seeking to exploit the US’ refugee program, Carson answered, “I think the facts are clear. whenever you have huge groups of people, at any point in time, there will always, or possibly arguably be a minority of people who have ill intentions. That can be represented through different careers. You’re going to have bad cops, as we’re seeing evidence now with the growing number of police brutality cases that are finally being reported. You’re going to have bad educators, you’re going to bad firefighters, and attorneys and so on and so forth. And I think what is important to know is that most people who come here from other countries come with good intentions. they want to live the American Dream. That is not to say that we should not address the very real terrorist threat that exists internally, but it also says we should not now become a nation of bigots and go against the principles of our Founding Fathers.”

Carson added that while he hadn’t heard any concrete evidence that terrorists had tried to exploit the refugee program, “that does not say that folks have not tried to use the program. The program is very rigorous. It takes a year or even two years. There are at least 12 or 13 steps under review from the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the State Department and other agencies. It’s a very rigorous screening process. So, that doesn’t concern me. What concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people seeking to become president of the United States. You have other politicians who are joining the bandwagon and who are fanning the flames of bigotry. That concerns me, because we’re putting people, i.e. Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others into the line of fire, exposing them to death threats, discrimination at the workplace and assaults. I just received a death threat yesterday in my own office, and it’s largely in part to this environment, this toxic environment. Politicians are fanning the flames, and to me, it’s unacceptable, Jake.”

Earlier, Carson said, “I think that Mr. Trump has proven himself to be a modern P.T. Barnum. He generates a lot of excitement, and his poll numbers go up, but he hasn’t presented a real agenda to lead this country. I was in agreement with the president’s speech the other day, and the president understands that we have to deal with the terrorist threat that exists right now. However, in dealing with that threat, he’s wise enough to know there are Muslims like myself, who serve in our law enforcement communities, who serve in our intelligence communities, keeping our country safe, each and every day. And anyone, male or female who is seeking the highest office of the land, wanting to be the commander-in-chief and CEO must know that we live in a multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society, and that person has to lead millions of people who have different views and opinions.”

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