Olbermann: MSNBC’s Decline Because Liberals Are Pro-Science and ‘Have Things to Do’

Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann blamed MSNBC’s declining success on liberals being pro-science and thus abandoning cable for the Internet and the fact that “liberals have things to do” on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”

When asked about MSNBC’s decline, Olbermann said that he doesn’t know and it wouldn’t be fair to his friends who are still at the network to speculate, but that there is a “valid” point that people don’t have cable and are watching things online, “And of course, liberals are going to be first in that, because what are we talking about in a meta sense? We’re talking about new technology. So it’s science, and we’re the side that goes, ‘Yay, this was not sent to us by some sort of vixen voodoo devil. This is science, it’ll probably work. Let’s do the new science. Let’s throw out the cable box, and we’ll get the satellite. We’ll throw out the satellite and we’ll get online.’ So, I think that — I think there’s that, plus, you know, liberals have things to do.”

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