GOP Rep Salmon: I Turned Against Boehner Because of Voters, Lack of Delivery on Promises

Representative Matt Salmon (R-AZ) stated that he dropped his support of House Speaker Representative John Boehner (R-OH) because of his constituents’ dissatisfaction with Boehner and “we promised many, many things if we took the Senate, those things haven’t materialized” on Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf.”

Salmon said, “Well, I was surprised as everyone else that he actually resigned, but I applaud him for doing so. I think it was a selfless act, when anybody is the issue, instead of the issues at hand, it’s time to move on, and I think that it is a very selfless act, and I congratulate him. It was going to be very very difficult, I think, for us to move forward without serious conflict, and, you don’t see this kind of thing happen very often in Washington, DC, and I think one of your panelists said that it never happens in the Democrat Party, and that’s true. You don’t ever see them putting country before their own ambitions, and I congratulate the speaker on doing this.”

When asked what made him change his position to be against Boehner, Salmon stated, “Look, I’m a representative of the people that sent me to Washington, DC, and they have been very, very clear. I caught more guff from my voters over my votes for John Boehner both times than any other thing, and I would like to come back and reflect the will of my people, the people that sent me. I am a representative, and I vote for them. The second thing is, that we promised many, many things if we took the Senate, those things haven’t materialized, and I think that they at least expect us to fight the fight, you don’t always win. We don’t expect to always win, but we do expect to fight the fight, and I think that’s what our voters want us to do. I think that’s also evidenced across the country, why the three top poll getters in the presidential race are all people who have never held public office. I think people are sick and tired of business as usual, and they’re ready for us to fight on principle for the things we believe. The speaker said in his press conference that if we do the right thing, then good things will happen. I couldn’t agree more, I think he’s right on with that.”

Salmon added that it was too early to say who he wanted to see replace Boehner, but that he won’t put his name up for consideration.

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