On “Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace,” Washington Post columnist George Will said Rowan Co., KY clerk Kim Davis, who is being jailed for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses, is much like segregationist governors Orval Faubus and George Wallace, who attempted to defy racial integration of schools ruled on by the Supreme Court.

Will said, “There’s no question that the president’s selective interpretation of the Constitutional provision that the executive shall see that the laws are faithfully execute his selective approach to that perhaps has encouraged a kind of lawlessness. People saying well, I can do whatever I wish. But surely it is a wholesome rule that executives should obey legitimate court orders. That’s true whether your name is Orval Faubus, the Democratic governor of Arkansas in the 1950s or George Wallace, the democratic governor of Alabama in the ’60s. Kim Davis, the Democratic county clerk in Kentucky. She made a choice, unquestionably, her faith is important to her but evidently her paycheck is also because she did not resign her office. We’ve been here before, in 1892, a Massachusetts policeman claimed that his constitutional rights of speech and association had been violated by rules governing and restricting political activity by police. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts head against him in an opinion written by a Massachusetts judge named Oliver Wendell Holmes who said the policeman has a Constitutional right to engage in politics, the policeman does not have a Constitutional right to be a policeman. She has that same problem. ”

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