Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) argued, “75% of the problems of the black community are self-inflicted” and “the other 25% are inflicted by the Democrat Party with their modern liberalism” on Tuesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.
Clarke said [relevant remarks begin around 4:40] “it’s the elephant in the room, Sean, as you know, that the — especially the liberal mainstream media does not want to act knowledge, because it doesn’t fit their false narrative about what’s going on in the American ghetto, 75% of the problems of the black community are self-inflicted. Things like father absent homes, things like drug and alcohol abuse, school failure, failure to stay in the workforce, the other 25% are inflicted by the Democrat Party with their modern liberalism. Which is conduct without borders, okay? They reward underachievement. They make excuses for criminal behavior, like black-on-black crime. And they blame everybody else for the problems that go on within our community. It’s a message that our community needs to hear more of. The overwhelming majority of people that live in the American ghetto are good law-abiding people. But their voice is silenced, and we have to hear from the blowhards, and they’re only — they’re a one trick pony. All they can say is ‘racism.'”
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