Speaking on Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” regarding the shooting in Chattanooga, TN, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) said that the United States needs a national strategy to “deal with the home-grown terrorist threat.” He also brought up that President Obama actually “gutted” the Department of Defense 1033 Program, which would have given the local law enforcement the military supplies to aid during a terrorist attack.

Clarke used Obama’s mistake of “gutting of the 1033 Program as an example of his problems as a president, saying that everything Obama does “just comes up wrong,” and “everything he touches tends to turn to crap.”

Earlier, Clarke argued, “We need a national strategy. We can’t have 10,000 disparate strategies in the United States to deal with with the homegrown terrorist threat. One of the things that would help us, and that the commander-in-chief, President Obama did not do — or what he did do, is he gutted the Department of Defense 1033 Program. That was a program that allowed law enforcement, local law enforcement, to use military surplus or to acquire military surplus, to respond to counter terrorism situations like we saw in Chattanooga. He gutted that.”

Clarke continued, “Everything that he does just comes up wrong. I’ve never seen a president like this, that everything he touch[es] tends to turn to crap. So, there are some things that we can do. I’m not going to sit on my hands and watch my community take on casualties from these homegrown terrorists, but we need a national strategy.”

Clarke added that Obama has “spent the last six months just berating and beating on the American law enforcement officer. Weakening their morale instead of building them up, I find it ironic that on the day of this attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee, he was visiting a federal prison, lifting the spirits of federal prisoners. And that’s kind of the state we’re at.” And that he would be “calling on the armed American citizen in the United States.”

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