HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher questioned whether the victims’ families forgiving Dylann Roof was good for society on Friday.

After author and Editor-at-Large Mary Katharine Ham argued that “One of the reasons that Charleston was able to give a clinic in how a city heals after an incredible tragedy like that, I think is because they eschewed, if you’ll forgive me, a bit of the caricature of conservatives that you put forth. … The people of South Carolina, both white and black watched the victims’ families say, ‘We forgive this guy.’ It was such an incredible, powerful moment. They were able to come together in a way that did not align –,” Maher jumped in with, “Should we forgive him so quickly? Really? Is that good?”

Maher later added that while he admires the forgiveness of the families “on a personal level,” “I don’t know if it’s the greatest thing for society to be right away like, ”Yeah.’ I could see this as a future talking point on Fox. Why couldn’t these black folks like the good people of Charleston did?”

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