Columnist Pat Buchanan argued that “every establishment creates sort of its own censorship, its own inquisition” when it comes to speech on Friday’s McLaughlin Group.”

Buchanan, in a discussion on Pamela Geller and drawings of Mohammed said, “there is a problem we got in society — I mean, I think the First Amendment certainly covers Pamela Geller, covers just about everything. But we have in this society, every establishment creates sort of its own censorship, and its own inquisition. Now, we have various forms of hate speech. There are words you cannot use, especially with regard to ethnic groups now. You can use all kinds of language which we used to consider obscene 50 years ago.” Although, he further stated that “There are things that you ought to respect, that don’t insult people and you ought not to use various words I think, and you can do that without being politically correct.”

He added that while drawing Mohammed, “deserves protection,” “it is clearly provocative and insulting and deliberately so. And people who do these things are in part responsible for the consequences of their actions, even if we condemn the consequences.”

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