Former Vermont Governor and DNC Chairman Howard Dean said that the US is too avid to make a deal with Iran should “step away from the table” on Wednesday’s “Morning Joe” on MSNBC.
After host Joe Scarborough stated “I think John Kerry and Barack Obama are far, far too eager for a deal with Iran and could actually get a better deal if they walked away from the table and possibly came back later,” Dean replied “I actually think you’re right about that.”
Dean continued, “I think the United States is negotiating from a much stronger than we were four years ago…And the reason for that is these guys are desperate to get rid of the sanctions.”
He did criticize Congressional rhetoric as “silly” and said that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has “discredited himself,” but added “I think Obama is right to try to get a deal. I’m worried about the way these negotiations have gone, and I think that Joe is right, probably step away from the table and say, ‘okay. You’re not backing off on sending you the uranium to Russia and we’ll get rid of the sanctions at our own pace.’ I agree.”
(h/t Real Clear Politics)
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