Leno: ‘College Kids Now Are So Politically Correct’

Comedian Jay Leno said that “college kids now are so politically correct” when asked about what changes he has seen at colleges during his time performing on campuses on Friday’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers.”

“College kids now are so politically correct. I mean, to the point where — I’ll give you an example, we had interns at the show, college interns. Like, the last year of the show, one of the interns comes and says, ‘Mr. Leno, I’m getting lunch. what do you want?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, where are you going?’ He said, ‘we’re getting Mexican.’ i said, ‘I don’t really like Mexican.’ He goes, ‘whoa, that’s kind of racist.’ That’s not racist. No, being anti-guacamole is not racist, okay? You have no idea what racism is. That’s not racist, you idiot, you moron” Leno stated.

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